katsuyuki seto

Created special sound effects (3D SOUND/SOUND DESIGN) that are unprecedented in the world. The company has attracted attention from domestic and international audio equipment manufacturers in the entertainment industry, including large-scale events and fashion, as well as the film and video industry, including 3D projection mapping.
In addition to sound, the company researches ultrasonic (sound outside the audible range) effects and works on the development of original technologies. With the aim of contributing to society, he has provided a sound environment that soothes people in commercial facilities and a baby room in a certain commercial facility, where babies can relax and stop crying.
In charge of sound supervision and sound production for the special exhibition ‘The World of Sports Olympics’ at the Ariake Panasonic Centre Tokyo, one of the venues for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The project created a state-of-the-art acoustic space and was awarded the 35th Display Industry Grand Prize 2016 (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award).
The Baby Room (sound design/sound production) at Ikebukuro Sunshine City/Alpa B1F won the 11th Kids Design Award 2017 in the ‘Design for Children’s Creativity and Future’ category.